
Pre- Primary Curriculum

"Pre-school Education is the first rung in the education ladder of a Child's Life"

We at 7i World School make every possible effort to make learning 'a joyful adventure' and thereafter ensure that this joyous journey turns into the most valuable and effective education one embedded with life skills required by the child for the rest of his life.

During scientific researches, it has been discovered that in a child's life the reception towards knowledge is maximum during first five years. It is also proven that 90% of the human brain develops at this age only.

Making the most of our children's today, cherishing their individuality and celebrating their uniqueness are the distinguishing features of our school's Pre-Primary curriculum. The basic methodology used is a combination of auditory, kinesthetics as well as visual learning. Activities are designed, keeping in mind, the need to incorporate multiple intelligences. Creative and aesthetic development in a child are monitored. Special Resource Centres and Activity rooms help in the overall development of a child. Excursions, Nature Walks and Educational Trips are part of the learning process too.

Grand occasions such as Special assemblies and Graduation Day are organized to give 100% stage exposure to each and every child in the Junior Wing.

"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he/ she is someone today."

Grade I to II

The 7i World School believes young minds develop best when the focus is on the conceptual learning of children, rather than the traditional content learning methodology. In the experiential learning curriculum followed by the school, the concepts are taught through hands-on experimentation followed by questioning, application and feedback. This replaces the one-step ‘telling’ and memorization followed in many traditional classrooms.

Once the concepts are clear the learning is fun and retention is for life time. The facilitator simply provides a support, a guiding hand and then the children are encouraged to think, to experience and learn on own, at their own pace. This inculcates flair to attain knowledge which is relevant to them.