Student Facilities
Since children spend a major part of their schooling day in the classroom, so special attention has been devoted to their designing. Since they have been envisaged as learning centres, they have been laid out smartly, systematically, with ample natural light and wide spaces. Traditional classrooms are redesigned and the spaces created to support multiple learning modalities.
Da Vinci Studio
The 7i World School awards great attention to Visual Art which includes craft, drawing, painting and pottery. The specially designed art curriculum lends wings to our children's creativity.
Dance & Music Studios
Performing Arts is given paramount place in the curriculum as it is seen as a significant tool in the overall development of the child. The high standard studios with their mirrored walls, top quality music systems and instruments and experienced faculty aims to hone and perfect children's skills.
“Seeing is believing” and “doing is real”. When both work in tandem, the impact is everlasting. The ICT Lab has computers and Tablets that are a next generation technological handy computer aids. Tablets are provided in order to enhance the teaching – learning methodologies.
Classroom library
Every literacy teacher’s goal is to help children become lifelong readers. The school has classroom libraries which are crucial in helping students develop a have a sense of ownership over the books they are reading. A class library is set so that every reader is valued and the library can help students learn how to develop strong reading habits.
Meals in school
Fresh and hot food is available to students those who wish to have meals in school. The food is prepared in a hygienic manner and served to children in their class itself. Only the best ingredients and fresh fruits and vegetables are used to prepare nutritious meals.
Wellness Centre
The school is equipped with a wellness centre with a full-time nurse during school hours. All the students undergo routine dental and eye check-up annually. All the school vehicles are provided with First Aid Box to meet the emergencies. Special Training is imparted to all faculty members at least twice a year, on how to administer first aid to students.